Hamlet: A short book review on a Shakespearean play

Hamlet by William Shakespeare In the play " Hamlet " by William Shakespeare there are many memorable and meaning quotes but my favorite above all else is " There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."(Act 2, scene 2, line 268-270). a short and concise quote that reflects one of the themes of Hamlet, question of identity; saying nothing we do is inherently bad or good but only what we make of it decides if it is good or bad. This quote permeates thought the play based on the choices many of the key characters make throughout the play. Hamlet Is one of Shakespeare's most notable plays; it's a story that takes place in Denmark and is a story about revenge and manipulation. It begins a few months after the kings passing where a ghost like figure of the king warns his son Hamlet that he was betrayed by his brother and current king on the throne. Hamlet embarks then on a path of ...